Monday, 28.12.2009: on the road again…

28 Dec

Finally, after one week of searching for solution and craeting new troubles I continued the trip by bicycle. What are great feeling, at least for the kilometers, as my bottom was fast saying his words.
The Road Number 5 (transamericana) changes after La Serena from double to single lane, still with 0.5 to 1m of shoulders were it is possible to ride on.

The wind was as usual a little cold and from the ocean and the sun burning down. As I started late in the afternoon, I could only do 65km but honestly, I don’t know if I could have done more: I had a first very little pass of 10km with about 6%. It felt as the first week of training was gone!

At the end, I was so tired that I decided to take a room… Well, I know it can be worse…on the other hand, the predecessor had left two magazines with few text and many pictures of women so I could learn some Spanish. Enjoy the pictures the "habitation"!

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