Saturday, 23.01.2010: visit of calama

23 Jan
The turistica of the evening before (I hope I’ve learnt the lesson about icecream) was gone very rapidely. Unfortunately it had started in the restaurant while Catalina, Georges and me were discuting.

So I made of list of what needed to be bought, went then for breakfast and to the shopping mall 1km outside of the the city. Big contrast between the building of the mall and the one surrounding it.

I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in the old part of the city, taking some pictures and looking for big nails: yes, Tobias, I will finally follow you hint for the tent. Just need to find them, which not possible on week-ends šŸ™‚

As the evening was cold, I decided to finally take some time and write the email to American Airlines…I don’t know if I ever will buy a ticket from them.

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