To Blokhus: 87km

12 Jul

The night in the open bunker was ok. I had hope to have it even more quiet due to amount of concrete. After packing the tent, I could have again a really nice chat with the danish Jakob and Annette who were riding their fat bike to Skagen too. They gave me precious hints of what to see on the way :-))

Well… I decided to take the walking path back to the coast… I wasn’t very high over the beach, so it shouldn’t be that difficult, no?
And nice little encounters…
Some doors to open and close..
Well… and a veeeery steep (considering the fully load trailer and the slicks tires). The two German watchers gave me 10/10 already before being done: just because I wanted to try. Hihihihi. I must concede: the first meter were the more difficult: until I got on the bike.
Later on some bunkers slowing disappearing…
Quite obvious where the wind comes.. no?
Lots of forest lanes
Little lakes. No. I didn’t swim 😉
The moment when it struck me: no, the bycycle is NOT above my Number ONE. My number ONE is in the red of my heart.
I had heard horses wouldn’t lay down. So it was a bit bizarre to me. I made some noise (ring the bell)
And luckily the horse stood up.
After a short 40m climb…
With the view out of the bunker that is more now a bird place.
A recommendation to go see the boats. I was thinking to eat fish of course!
Now I know: a kylling is neither a killer nor a specific fish. :o)
A local well known place in which was played movies and was totally new rebuilt.
I had the whole day a “strange” feeling in the stomach. I was hoping to have eaten something bad. But it could be as well something emotional breeding due to less contact and unusual behaviour. So I stopped earlier and used the time to wash my clothes and myself.

I had placed my tent way apart from other to be alone, to be able to rest and surely not get smoke. But a family with an omg-loud boy had to put their hammock just few meters beside my tent. As if there were not enough trees in the forest?

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