To Deutsch Evern/Lüneburg: 64km

16 Jun

The summary of the could be easy:

North/head wind

Beautiful landscapes

Hundertwasser train station (see other post)

Water bridge over river and road

Six “balls” of ice cream :oD

The day started with cycling in the forest and near/over moors
And some places to be careful not to fall and to get around with the trailer. I guess with a tandem… that could have been difficult 😉
Old church build at a tower from around 1000 A.D.
The Chanel from the Elbe to the Oder. One of the many. It facts, it more or less a not moving water. Maybe the reason of its green colour?
Grain silo ready to ship it away
A water bridge over a road and a river…boats that can carry hundreds of tons.
And another one. Altitude: about 40m over sea level.

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