To Hildesheim / 53km

12 Jun

One of the first things we needed after the but was some water. One of the best place to find some: graveyards 🙂

We joined back the cycling track in Brüggemann, after our water bottles were full again.
Some nice houses before we were back on the cycling path.
Well… 0.16 t ? That’s a bit much!
The tower doesn’t only look not straight: it is.
Achim had given us the tip of the Mariaburg… the cut way through nice lakes and a sand carrier was beautiful
Cyclist: that’s not the way!!
If it was on your bike before, it can be on your bike after. I dumped it at the next bin.
I can’t dump and dumper… too large. But sad to have people let them just there.
Sand washer.
Sand sorter depending the grading
And arriving up at the Marienburg.
Drained but happy
A nice place inside. And one of the first service ever.
Arriving to Hildesheim
With lots of Churches (St. Andreas)
The Dome
With gold…
Inside of the dome, the 1000y old rose bush
St Michaelis
The pillars below the church tower
Reconstruction of a part of the kaiser house.
And the beautiful market place.
Three darlings? ;o)
And yes: they are tilled towards the front.

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