Waking up today was a bit more difficult: the night temperature was near to the under limit of the sleeping back. I will have to switch it.
But then, the view was nice… Bulgaria (and Romania) is one hour ahead and so we could see again the nice dawn:
Packing was quite fast, as we decided not to cook something but go into a bar or so. First time that I did made it in less than 45min, but especially because the tent wasn’t wet(thnx to the breeze during the night)
The start was as well meaning: more than 150m of climbing…. within a very rural village, where pigs are living quite free with other animals.
Today was the first time I saw people caring about their village and cleaning the street. When I saw the two women, I could not resist and gave them a big thank you and two Euros because it made me really happy.
Arriving at the top of the hill, which is in fact a big dune from the Danube.
The view in direction of the inland of Bulgaria:
The view of the Danube and Romania:
Sometimes, multiple trucks and other machines are on the field and street to scavenge the grains
And sometimes, Nature is stronger than the streets. But that doesn’t matter much here.
Some villages have memorials with war weapon like artillery or:
In memoria Krushov?
Herr niceto be seen: the Danube having brought the sand or limestone dune:
Did we cycle to far? No, there wasn’t a lake… 😉
Only th bridge has pavement, the rest was Beton with holes :-l
And then a village where people are creative and like plants: putting to trees togehter and nice flowers
The vegetation changed from dry brown to living green, even we were less closer to the Danube than where the grasses where dry brown
Détour en France??
Vacation in the Mediterranean?
A quite common view in most villages:
And after some another climbing: the view over the Danube and its sand deposit:
Another kind of cemetery: that time not black tombstone and not very “clean”:
When we saw industry in Bulgaria, it was seldom working or looking like to work. It was (or is?) a paper fabrication plant:
Just before joining Romania:
The ferry and its not really European precision. Or isn’t there a regulation how the Metall pieces must be placed? 😜
The first time I could fell/see how a ferry is loaded with trucks: it must be step by step to avoid the boat to tilt to much. The trucks where in the end to much in the front, so the front loading panel was touching the water. During the crossing, the trucks had to go back about 5m so the panel was about 50cm over the water. Now I’m less woundering that accident can happen!
We had to pay 3 Euros for the ferry…and when arriving in Romania, again one Euro… and we are in the E.U.? Strange…
And here the same view: industry (power plants, in the back may be coal cheminee) not working…
There was. I signed for bicycles.. 😉
And you arriving to one of the first fountain since quite long:
A hotel room:
And a hot tube! (With some imagination 😁🌻)