Friday, 05.02.2010: snow & thunder

5 Feb

Today was in direction of the mountains. I continued on the old road 23 following more or less the diverted river the Chilean had brought into a tube. After a few kilometer appeared on the right the old village of Talabre, without the river flowing in the valley.
Than, workers were building new wind protection for the Llama "production". I went to them, trying to get alittle bit conversation. But who wants to talk to an alien on his strange bicycle… Anyway, may be with some cigarettes? No way!
I continued the road over the river and strong uphill on sand. I had to walk in sight of the workers… πŸ˜‰ I’m happy not to hear here comments! πŸ˜‰
Then followed a little pause, as the path (road?) was going slightly down. But every meter that was going down was to be climb up again…
After a while a took a nap and was woken up later by a pickup. German geology students who searching the acces to the Volcan Lascar to make measurments. My map was more precise then theirs thanks to the Garmin free Andes Project.
Then came a quite long and steep part with partially sand. While I was pushing the bicycle, it begun to be loud and dark around me The only I’ve got was some "snow" crystalls…and cold fingers. It was slowly the time to search a place to put the tent. As it was as well the pass I decided to continue until I lowered the altitude about 200m for a better sleep. I finally put the tent at 4200m and could try the new gas stove. As it was windy, I had to cook in-tent…and it worked! And now even some snow is falling…am I happy to have a warm sleeping back!

Good n8

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