2012-06-13: bye bye Sicily

13 Jun

Today was also the day I would leave the wonderful island. Frankly, I would have prefer to have my day off at the hotel Schuler in Taormina. But as the point with the ferry to Calabria was not really clarified, I had to leave and recovering “on the other side” of the street of Messina.
The road was quite ok, just the wind was pushing me back in direction of the Etna which cloud/fume was different to one of yesterday.
I waited quite long until having a break on the way to Messina. In fact, I had hope to do it in once. But there was (and still is) something with my stomach. The tab water I drank or some of yesterdays sea fruit? Fruit from the morning? No idea. May just my body saying he wants to rest.
So arriving in Messina I looked for a pharmacy (my sun cream is slowly to the end), nice views and may be a hotel to stay as a resting possibility. To make it short: Messina is not to be compared with the other cities. It did not make me stay. So I took one of the ferry to Villa San Giovanni where I could find an alternative to Spirigs Daylong cream.
None of the hotel made an acceptable offer for the two nights, and frankly, as Messina, Villa San Giovanni looks more like a transit city than the place to stay.
Against my stomach, I cycled to the north and stopped at Scilla – to get slowly used of not being anymore on the Island.
And by the way, just the half price for better conditions….

Calabria in sight:

To far?

Italia over there??

Means the end of the first part… ๐Ÿ™


Those are really lekker! ๐Ÿ™‚

by Georges

Location:Traversa Nazionale C,Scilla,Italy

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