2012-06-26: to Domodossola

26 Jun

After a nice breakfast, the way was quite easy: the same as I had taken some week ago – just the other way round.

Since some days I had calculated it more than one time: I needed to be today in Domodossola today to reach my target. And Domodossola was 135km away. So no sleeping – just riding šŸ˜‰
Nothing special to tell… just taken some picture here and there, some coffee and ice cream to motivate me.
And then, the closer to the alps I was, the more head wind was slowing me down and the more rain clouds were visible. The head wind was not that bad, as the training of the last week did make me some stronger. The rain was fortunately “only” threatening.
Arriving at the lake of Orta, my energy started once again to slow down. I could easy see it as the road cycler just by-passed me easily. I needed another pause and some calories again. And half an hour later I was ready again. It is quite funny how men are: always measuring themselves to others. And when one think to have the possibility to “beat” another one (because his bike is heavier, larger tires and looks much slower), a little race starts again… and after some weeks, it is for me as well some fun to show them, that the bike is one part – but the two motors are the other important aspect of biking. *smile*
Just bevor arriving in Domodossola, I felt my sugar-level to low and took another sandwich at a restaurant near the street. I did not want to risk to have to walk the last kilometres to my last Italian stop.
There, I make it short: I took the first best hotel and took the a room. I had no energy left for long searching. And the internet told me that there were not that many choices.
Again, the first was the shower ( in my case a bath *smile*) and then I ate some more before going to bed… and being ready for the next challenge: the Simplon pass….

Good night!

By Georges
Italy: Domodossola.

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