By passing Mainz to Heidenfahrt – 88km

21 May

The longest day on a bike together in that trip: 88km

After a day off including some cooking in the hotel (Bellona needed some time for work and some potential heavy storms were coming), we headed north again. 🙂
But first we wanted to have a look at the city since the churches were closed the evening before.
The dom was on top of it closed due to the preparations of the “Wormser Spiele” later in the year.
The simple StMartin church
And the rear of the Dom…
…and it’s majestic view when you turn around.
It seems they are measuring the movement of the church on some pieces of the sculpture
The entrance of the repository
The first one is dead 955 a.d.
Little house with nice sculptures towards the Frauenkirche
The Frauenkirche in its ancient time
And leaving Worms through the Nibellungen-Bridge.
A sign of Berlin… a bit way off!?
Did you order something? 😉
After some detour …
Back to Rhine
And arriving to Mainz where the Police (Not The Police) were having a party in favour of our arrival ;o)
Ain’t there many reason for a good beer?
Leaving Mainz to get to a camping spot
Well deserved… and very tasty!
Seldom: including its content!
Night on the camping at the Rhine

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