To Sehlendorf /48km

24 Jun

The first task of the day was to sent a letter back home… I must say: Deutsche Post has outsourced some of their shop to food shops: bad idea. Everything go too long. Or do I see too much optimising potential?

Getting breakfast (eating what we had bought) The last we saw the bridge… bye bye
With a nice view to swim but too many algae
The Hafen of Heiligenhafen
And the tourist bunker at the end of inner lake
And the sunny beach (no shade)
The cycle lane went back a bit in the fields
And then we found a nice camping with view on the military zone that stops people from following the coast.
There was a meeting of VW Scirrocos… we preferred to try another one.
Just beside the camping, there was a beach. While Bellona went for a swim, I was lucky to find a nice worthless stone. We had a nice chat with an old couple that had fled Eastberlin after the fall of the wall. They had cycling as well a lot: with a tandem :-). The lady was nice and gave me the EastSea Jade she had found few minutes before.
Later on, west of Weissenhäuser Strand: many oak (mainly) trees had fall over decades (?) ago and continued to grow. Very fascinating!
And then a nice alley
And feet in the cold water, head in the rain.

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