To Sevelen / 66km

30 May

Still with mixed feelings, I woke up near that gigantic hole.

Since we had realised that that was the “closing hole” we did some research and asked around about the place where there would still dig coal: somehow the chimneys needed to be fed.

One of the first thing we found out: they need to pump out the ground water to have access to the coal. Hence one will find many pump holes… definitely a poker game with the future.
On the way to the mine, they were dismissing ventilator- or was is wind turbines? – which are impressively big: 2m in diameter at point of attach to the turbine.
Effective (?) green washing: we dig huge holes but put you wind turbines there (yes because as well we destroy to soil biology)
First sight… my stomach cramped again.
More than five giants are to be spotted
You feel like on a movie set …
Water sprinkler to prevent (let’s agree on reduce) sand particles to reach the village nearby.
Another green washing… not telling the whole truth. “Verantwortungsvoll” = responsible. Really? And of course they want to invest into “green hydrogen”… I can only call for BS.
But you can’t call to loud for BS since there are many camera filing you. They have learnt from Hambacher Forst.
At some point It was enough for me… I needed to leave and move towards the north where we passed eastwards of Mönchengladbach to avoid the center (and potentially other shocks)
By passing nice flowers…
And arriving at Castle Rheydt
With a duck family trying to avoid/ignore the issues of the world.
And peacocks showing off.
I guess you know who’s the male and the female? ;/)
Definitely a taste of the Netherlands…
The spy still following me… 😉
Where we tried to find a camping… because one was a camping club not open to every one.
With the first full wind mill..

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