Around Chios, day 2

26 Jun

Breakfast in the wild is the best breakfast when nice weather…. 🙂

I had a bit forgotten the Greek way…. having tons of little churches and monasteries … after Turkey a bit strange again. 

While the centre of island is higher with summits close to 1000m

And some pathes for the Sheppards 

And other, old or nearly abandoned monasteries

And beautiful heart warming colours 🙂

White beaches inviting for the people loving it. 

Some half islands

And the some climbings

In a fresh burnt valley:

Traversing some little villages, where the ancient sultan time is to still to be seen: the small closed “balcony” where made to allow women seeing the street without being seen. Here the Village of Vessa:

Prior to arrive at Pyrgi, known for its buildings with “special” paintings on the walls. Unfortunately, the village doesn’t really have hotels or pension. At least not at lower budget. And I was not ready to pay over 50€ just to sleep in the village. So after a drink, I left the village to find a place to camp. 

And found something nice near the museum of mastic (kind of sugar-gum earned from trees), which of course is closed today and tomorrow 
Goood night!

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