To Chalkida

13 Feb

Despite the low temperature, some rain (snow?) and the wind, I could quite good sleep. The magic of fresh air!

But I was not fit at all… so I took it easy. And getting out of a warm sleeping back while you think to hear some rain outside….well… naah… I felt staying inside and enjoying: 

While some had much warmer… or to warm?

I needed a breakfast other then just some cookies… and something warm: 3€

And in the back, on the other side of the sea channel, the mountains with snow:

And reaching the sea: stronger side-head wind… slowing me down and reducing my motivation. I started to feel my cold feet…

And then for some hundred meters, a surprise in form of a cycling lane!
Finally, with some detour… I arrived at the shipyard just before Chaldika…

And the concrete enterprise… the goal was near: the bridge was to be seen!

But stop!

There was an old bridge… and the new one did look more like the highway which is forbidden for cyclist in Greece. After bypassing the new, higher bridge I realised that the old one must be quite far away… well…6km more

Nice word in German for the current situation: so ein…

But I found a hotel and restaurant….

Interesting fact about the old bridge:

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